Terms of Business

1. Who we are

1.1 Touch Financial and Accountancy Centre are tradings name of SFP Brokers Limited and JA (SFP) Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with the company number 13178314.

2. These Terms of Business

2.1 This document gives details of our Terms of Business. Please note that these apply in addition to the terms of website use, which you may consult at Terms of Website Use. You may want to print off a copy and keep it with your records.

2.2 In keeping with industry convention, we do not require you to sign or countersign or otherwise indicate agreement to these Terms of Business. However, you are deemed to agree to them, and to be bound by them, if you engage The Accountancy Centre to act for you or your business.

3. Our Services

3.1 The Accountancy Centre is an introduction service. We will introduce you to a firm of accountants on our approved panel which we consider could be a good fit for you or your business requirements. We have relationships with over 100 accountancy practices across the UK. Our service to you under these Terms of Business is free of charge and confidential.

3.2 You will be allocated a dedicated consultant who will work with you to find an appropriate firm of accountants for your business from our approved panel.

3.3 Our services include:

3.3.1 An assessment of your accountancy requirements from one of our consultants;

3.3.2 Our recommending one or more firms on our approved panel who we believe could be a good fit for your accountancy requirements;

3.3.3 Our introducing you to the recommended firm or firms and keeping in contact with you and the firm or firms in question to obtain feedback; and

3.3.4 An after-care service to ensure you remain satisfied with the accountancy services you are receiving.

3.4 Please note the following, however:

3.4.1 We do not provide legal or any other advice, and in particular please note that we are not qualified to review the advice that the accountant you use has provided to you.

3.4.2 We do not provide accountancy, taxation, fiscal, investment or any other financial advice.

3.4.3 We are here to offer an introduction service, as described, and will give you what we consider to be an appropriate service in this respect, based on the information that you provide to us. This does not amount to advice by us to you on the full commercial operation of you or your business, which is likely to depend on information that we do not have and are not entitled to see or receive. Accordingly, the decision to proceed with one of our recommended accountants is ultimately yours.

3.4.4 If you have a complaint concerning the professional competence of the advice or other service you receive from an accountant to whom we have introduced you, it is in your interests to pursue that complaint through the accountant’s own internal complaints procedure, or that of its regulatory body. We do not become involved in complaints with respect to professional competence of advice and service from any accountants that we introduce to our clients, and your sharing information with us concerning such complaint may in any case amount to a breach of your obligations to the accountant in question to keep the relationship you have with him confidential.

3.4.5 Should you decline to use an accountant that we recommend for you, we are not obliged to recommend another firm in its place.

4. Treating you fairly

4.1 We always aim to treat you fairly. This means that we will always endeavour to:

4.1.1 Conduct our business with due skill, care and integrity;

4.1.2 Never put ourselves in a position where our primary duty to you is compromised;

4.1.3 Deal with any complaint sympathetically and independently of the colleague concerning whom the complaint is directed;

4.1.4 Be transparent in the matter of our remuneration; and

4.1.5 Respect your confidentiality.

5. Our Remuneration

5.1 As already noted, Accountancy Centre does not charge you for using our services.

5.2 We reserve the right to arrange for accountants to whom we introduce our clients to pay us an introductory fee.

6. Complaints

6.1 If you wish to register a complaint with respect to our services under these Terms of Business, please contact Annabel Ah-Lim, in writing at 16 Ensign House, Admirals Way, London, E14 9XQ or by telephone on 020 7001 9143 during normal business hours. Our internal complaints procedure is available on request.

6.2 Please note, however, as already articulated at 3.4.4 above, a complaint concerning the professional competence of the advice or service received from an accountant to whom we have introduced you should be directed to that accountant, under the terms of its own complaints procedure. Accountancy Centre is not qualified to consider a complaint of this nature and will decline to do so.

7. Limitation of our liability to you

7.1 We are an introducing broker and as such we do not act for you (as agent or otherwise) and we do not owe you any fiduciary duty. Our role is to introduce you to one or more firms of accountants who we consider to be appropriate to the needs of you or your business. We cannot advise you on choosing a firm of accountants and the choice to use a firm recommended by us remains yours alone.

7.2 Should you seek advice from an accountant to whom we have introduced you, any decision to follow (or not follow) that advice is also outside the scope or purpose of these Terms of Business, and the consequences for you or your business of any such discussion and any transaction or investment that arises from such discussion, are not our responsibility for any purposes whatsoever.

7.3 Nothing in these Terms of Business excludes or limits our responsibility to you for:

7.3.1 fraud;

7.3.2 death or personal injury arising as a result of our negligence.

8. Your Responsibilities

8.1 In order for us to fulfil our responsibilities to you, you are expected to read any documentation we give you and let us know if there is anything that is unclear or does not represent your requirements, and pose any other question that affect your use of our services. We will not be responsible to you if as a result of deficient information or lack of information from you, we make arrangements that are not wholly appropriate for you or your business.

8.2 If, in the course of our relationship with you, you or your business suffer material changes (specifically though not exclusively referring to material adverse financial changes), you must inform us accordingly, unless you are under a formal legal obligation not to do so.

8.3 Should we incur material cost or expense or sustain material loss as a result of your failure to comply with paragraphs 8.1 or 8.2, we are entitled to an indemnity from you to the extent of such cost, expense or loss.

9. Data Protection and Confidentiality

9.1 JA (SFP) Limited is registered under the Data Protection Act Data Protection Act 2018 and abide by the requirements of the Act, the General Data protection Regulation and any relevant regulations made thereunder. To find out more please click here.

9.2 All information we receive from you is held by us in strict confidence and is used exclusively in order to introduce you to our panel of accountants. We will not supply your confidential information to any person other than a potential firm from our panel without your prior consent (unless we are required to do so by the law, by a court order). Please note that your agreement to these Terms of Business amounts to consent that your information is shared among other business divisions of the SFP Group, so that we may consider if services that such divisions provide may also be of relevance to you or your business.

9.3 You have the right to require us to cease to use the information that you have provided to us (either generally or with respect to any specific piece of such information). If this makes it practically speaking impossible for us to provide our services to you under these Terms of Business, we will notify you of this and bring this relationship to an end.

9.4 All our customers’ records are treated as private and confidential and Accountancy Centre therefore reserves the right to give you copies of your particular records rather than allow access to files containing records concerning other clients. If you want sight of your records please send a request in writing to:

Simon Plant
JA (SFP) Limited
16 Ensign House
Admirals Way
E14 9XQ

10. Other Miscellaneous Matters

10.1 These Terms of Business will apply as between Accountancy Centre on the one hand and, on the other hand:

10.1.1 you yourself, if a sole trader; or

10.1.2 your company or partnership, if you are applying for our services as a company or a partnership.Accordingly only you (as explained above) and we are parties to these Terms of Business and for the purposes of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, no other person has a right to enforce any provision of these Terms of Business.

10.2 We will ask you to provide us with an address at which we will send you any formal communications and notices. Any formal communication or notice you need to send to us should be sent to the address in paragraph 9.4.

10.3 Either party may terminate the relationship under these Terms of Business on written notice to the other with immediate effect.

10.4 These Terms of Business are subject to English law and the English courts have exclusive jurisdiction relating to any matters arising from them.